Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Project, Finally

   Hello! Yesterday I was introduced to another project in my Media Studies class. The project is the opening scene for a movie. The scene is two minutes long and should display the opening credits and title. I’ve decided to work with the same group members that I have been working with throughout this class. My group and I worked very well together for the last couple of projects we had. We always have fun during our filming and editing processes. We are always able to share our ideas with each other and find a way to create those ideas in our project. My group and I have also gotten really comfortable with each other throughout this class and it just wouldn’t feel right to work without them. I’m really excited to start this project. I know my group and I will create something amazing.

   Since I’ve started taking this class I really have learned so much. I think that I grown so much since the beginning of the year. My confidence in my abilities to film and edit projects have increased tremendously. I think that my greatest strength currently is my ability to think of and create really cool looking shots and takes. I’ve learned to appreciate the art of film a lot more since I’ve been creating projects like this. I also been able to casually use AICE media vocab correctly when talking about my projects. I also learned to be as specific as possible on a storyboard so that when it comes time to film, my group and i will know what we have to shoot in what locations. Creating a specific storyboard also helps during the editing process because it helps us to know the correct order in which the scenes should go. This class has also helped me pay closer attention to detail. This will help me for my final task because it will make my project look better professional

   For this final task, the opening of a movie, my group needs to present an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a Hollywood term used to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. We came up with three different pitches. Our first pitch is a movie about a women walking out of the mall into the parking garage and walks past a car and sees a girl inside that was kidnapped and gory looking and goes over to see if she’s okay and attempts to call for 911 when the killer comes up behind to take her as well. Our second pitch is about someone who has a horrific dream about bad things happening and wakes up to realize that they will actually begin to start happening. Our third and last pitch is a classic murder mystery about someone who is killed a group of their friends find a clue and begin a journey to figure out who did it. We kept them in same genre of horror because we believed it would be easiest and the most fun.

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Critical Reflection

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