Hello, over this weekend my group and I were able to get all of our filming done for the final project. We split the filming up between two days. On the first day, we filmed the second half of our movie’s story. We had to film the second scenes first because it was the only day that the location we needed was available. We filmed these scenes at my house. After school, my group and I went over to my house and started to plan everything out. We had to wait a little while before we could start filming because we needed it to be nighttime. We didn’t film these scenes in chronological order because some of the actresses that were in the film had to leave soon so we wanted to get all of the scenes with them in it over before they leave.
The first scenes we filmed was scene 7. In this scene it shows “the watchers” feet walking slowly and then a weapon appears on the screen. This was also the murder scene of the film. This scene took a lot of time to create because we had to find the rig hit angles and and positions to hold the camera at so that we didn’t reveal one of the actors faces but did show the other actors facial reaction. The next scene we shot was scene 5 which was just of one of the characters searching for their missing friend. This scene was relatively easy to make because there weren’t too many creative camera angles or anything because the scene was meant to be pretty short. The next scene we shot was scene 8. In this scene it shows the group searching for their missing friend and then they hear a scream come from the bathroom. When the group goes to look in the bathroom they see blood on the floor and we used an eye-line match effect to show the groups reaction to finding their friends dead body. The next scene is scene 9. This seen was when the characters read a note left in the dead body that basically tells them that they someone knows their secret and they will pay. This scene is pretty short but it is very important to the plot of the film. The last scene that we shot that day was scene 10, the final scene. This scene shows the group of friends exit the bathroom in a state of shock and horror. It shows them wonder who could have murdered their friend. The next thing that is shown in this scene is an open window to which the murder/watcher escaped from. The final shot of the scene is a slow tracking shot of the barge room that stops and tilts down to the dead body and then up to the open window. Then as the camera is stilled at the open window, the lights shut off and the group of friends all scream.
This is all we filmed for that day and it was a lot of work! My main role in the filming for those scenes was as an actor but the entire group helped in finding the best angles to shoot from. A couple things changed from our storyboard mainly because the location we shot at was a little to small for us to be able to shoot some of the scenes so we had to change the angles we shot in. We made sure to stay safe and to use fake weapons when needed. We also wanted to be careful with the fake blood that we used because we knew that it would stain clothes, knowing this we had a specific outfit for Ava (the actor who gets “murdered” in the film) to wear so that we didn’t stain her actual good clothes. Along with using the fake blood we tested it on all of our skins to make sure that none of us had any sort of allergic reaction to it and to make sure that it didn’t stain our skin. We made sure to shoot all of the all of the shots as many times as we needed until we got at least three shots that we liked, from then we’ll just have to look through all the footage and pick out the ones we like the most. Overall, filming was very good for that day, we got a lot of work finished and it was really fun.
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Critical Reflection
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