Hello! Today, our teachers challenged us with a new task: peer reviews. What we were supposed to do is give a copy of our rough draft of the film we created to another person or group in the class and then fill out a sheet that went over what that person should have in their movie and suggestions on the movie. The point of the assignment was to have more peer feedback on our film and it was to see what your film looked like through an audiences perspective. In this blog, I’m going to be writing about the group that I peer reviewed. The movie that I reviewed was titled “Nightmare” and it was about a girl who had a nightmare about a girl running from a mysterious hooded figure. In all honesty, I didn’t really like it. I just found it to be pretty...boring. To me it was just a minute and thirty seconds of a girl running from someone with no dialogue or anything in between. Other than that everything was pretty good. The group didn’t finish putting in all of their titles but the ones that they did put in where placed in proper order and they were spread evenly throughout the movie. The lighting that they used throughout the movie was great and it stayed consistent throughout the scenes that it needed to be the same in. The sound was also really well done when there was any. They didn’t have a lot of dialogue or music in their film but when there was, it was at a great volume and was very clear. The group was did a great job with their camera work. Their transitions were clean and not choppy at all. They also did a good job at not filming any of the equipment or any other people. There were a lot of creative camera angles and movements within the film such as pans, over the shoulder shots, low angles and many more. A really cool aspect of the movie that I thought was very creative was since the movie had scenes that were supposed to be a dream and real life, the way the group established these two times was by using a filter. During the dream sequence, a filter was added that made everything look hazy and hyper realistic. During the scenes that take place in real life, no filter was added. This was a very cool effect that the group put into their movie and I think it was my favorite thing about the movie. On the other hand, the movie was just very boring and it didn’t want to make me keep watching once it was over. The running in the dream sequence was way too prolonged and it almost becomes comedic after a while. After I finished my review, I allowed the group I edited to see what I said and they seemed to take my criticisms into consideration. I have yet to see my peer edit sheet but I can’t wait because I really want to know what others think of my film.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
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